Tuesday, November 29, 2011

2012 Challenges

Psst. Guys? I am a sucker for Challenges. 

You could blame it on my competitive upbringing or just my love of reading - but reading challenges get me going.

And 2012 looks to be even bigger than 2011 …

I am planning on signing up for …
22 Challenges.

I know, I know – I’m crazy, right? But hear me out – I am hoping to finish off my huge TBR pile (so I can buy more books) and maybe this will give me that push! I also looked at my reading trends this year and tried to predict what I would read in the next year.

No? Well, maybe …

Here’s the list:

1.      TBR Challenge 
5.     Harper Imprint RC
6.     Get Steampunked!
7.     Go Indie!
8.     Free Reads
9.     Off the Shelf
10.    Dystopia RC
12.    Romance RC
13.    Cozies RC
14.    eBook RC
15.    MidEast RC
17.    Whats in a Name
18.    Outdo Yourself
19.    150+
20.   Men in Uniform
21.    Standalone RC