Monday, December 6, 2010

Reviews oh, reviews!

So I am now thoroughly in the exam period - my first exam starts at noon today, the second and the third are on Wednesday and the final two are on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The light at the end of the tunnel: Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead, Xmas at home and a box of chocolate turtles my landlord gave me.

That last one may actually be a coping mechanism, actually ...

Anyways, the point of this post is to discuss the book discussions (Oh, you saw what I did there?) for after the exam:

(1) A post of Angels --> I will discuss the Angel frenzy that's one right now. Up for review will be Angelology by Danielle Trussoni, Hush, Hush and Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick, The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and in general, other media where Angels have been a dominant force.

(2) A post of morality. Or rather, good and evil. This will be the Paulo Coelho book review - I just finished The Devil and Miss Prym, and I have yet to review The Witch of Portobello or Brida, so I should get on that, I think. The whole point of it, I think, was when BF actually calls me and I start in on these long winded philosophical debates about the nature of good and evil and so on and so forth. BF is very patient (read. He plays video games while I quote Beauvoir and Heidegger).

(3) A Christina Dodd Special. I will review the Lonely Texas Hearts series and talk about Mrs. Dodd and how awesome she is.
(4) Lawyer Angst! Recently, I got a book from an author and though I said I wouldn't get to it until December, I picked it up in late November and paged through it, and though it is not done yet - I already have a good review forming in my mind for it. The book: The Life of O'Reilly by Brian Cohen.

(5) A Vampire Academy Post! Yes, I left this for last - and why? Well ... Richelle Mead will be in Novi on Dec 12 (yes, it's the day before my second last exam) and I intend to go! And then read everything! And then squeal.

Anyways, that's the plan.
See you on the flipside!



  1. Looks like we are coming up on an abundance of posts!

    Good Luck. I took my first final today. *grin* In Creative Writing.

    Mad Scientist

  2. Oh! MS! I wish I had creative writing - cam you imagine the worlds that would open up! Good luck on the rest of your finals! :)
